Monday, June 22, 2009

Cheong K (1), Krispy Kreme and Happy Early Father's Day

Here it goes. Lol... Before I continue with this post, the date for these activities involved is
18/06/2009 (Thursday)
So, I guess a lot of my friends really know that i like cheong k a lot. It's a good way of having fun and release stress as well. I even go to cheong k 2 days before the IMMUNOLOGY exam last semester, which ultimately gives me a D for going to cheong k =.=''' Therefore, to see how much I like and how frequent I go for cheong k, I'll run a Cheong K Marathon here, to see whether how many time I actually go cheong k start from the date stated above, wahahahahaha!! I know it sounds a bit stupid, but haha.. at least i have something to update myy blog ma, since everytime cheong k is sure happy de... So for this time, we go there after we attended lecture for haematology, then we went straight to low yat for our cheong k session. FYI, I prefer to cheong k at redbox low yat coz there is the cheapest, and the PA system there is really not bad.
These are the LADIES!!
(Vinny Len, Xiao Wen, Bee Yen, Lee Jiin, Phynn Shen)
The whole gang!
(JJ, Bee Yen, Vinny, Xiao Wen, Lee Jiin, Phynn Shen, ME)
ALrighty, then after that. GO HOME. But before getting on the bus, I was planning to buy some snacks. Then the bottom thing straightaway came to my mind and YES, I wanna buy KRISPY KREME!!! Haha... I've tried J. Co, Big Apple and of course, Dunkin Donuts ( when there's used to be no the previous one). And my friend told me it was pretty nice, so i was thinking to give it a try.

OK, it so happened when i got there, JJ and Xiao Wen said wanna buy too. So we were going to queue up to pick the drooling donuts. But before we got to pick the donuts, JJ and Xiao Wen had ran away, holding 2 donuts with them and I was thinking, What The Hell??? I thought you wanna buy too???!!! Then I realized, one waitress there handing over me a fresh donut, with the sugar wax covered on it. A FREE ONE!! Yeah yeah, we got a free donut each for testing, hahahaha... Therefore both of them say aiya no need buy liao lar, got free one also. Lol.. But in the end i still buy half dozen of donuts, as I was thinking that to let my mom to try new things. Hahahaha.... She can hardly come out and look at the new things going on, so.. Yeah!! got a reason for me to makan makan also.. Blek.. ;P

Conclusion of Krispy Kreme donuts:

TOO SWEET and more expensive compared to the others.

Not worth it I guess.

At night, i planned to have an early celebration with my father on behalf of Father's Day, as I havce already had another plan on Sunday.. Wahahaha.. Then after I got home from Times Square, I bathed and got to rest abit, and whole family go for dinner. (Ooh macam family BESAR~ haha, actually only three of us..). I brought my papa and mama to Wong Kok Restaurant for dinner, which is situated at BREM Mall, a new yet small mall nearby my place.

My Papa!! With his lamb chop.

My Mama!! With her XO sauce fried rice.

(Isn't she pretty??? Hehe...)

My Dear Mama and I.. Wee~~

Happy Father's Day Pa~

That's it!! A very busy yet full day indeed. Happy to have these things around me. I am very happy to have cheong K session, nice snacks and MY LOVELY PARENTS!!!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

4 hours passes like this~

Oops.. Sorry arr start off my blog like this... Should go sembahyang guan yim ma edi...

Elo guys and girls, here i am blogging here, with just finished a 2-hour tutorial by a poisonous but somehow she was being rather nice in the tutorial just now, and of course, a DAMN BORING 4 HOURS LECTURE!!!

Ok, i am being honest here, i am not the good student that a lecturer would like to deal with and not a person that still can listen to the lecture though knowing that the lecturers are rather _ _ _ _. (Fill in your blank.) :) Therefore, cam whore time!! haha.. usually my friends and I dun rili cam whore in the class, but it's just today, with the sboring boring class, we've decided to take a few pictures.. yeah... A FEW...

Ok, these are some of the testing shots~

Then things go further... =.=''

Guess whose butt is this... XD
This is taken by richard using Bai's camera, macro shot. (Belakang tu orang tua... :)

Then i try my own macro shot.. hehe..

According to See Keat, the pau she ate is Malaysian girls de size
(Then what about the girl who ate the pau?? lol)

Ok la, some serious shots... Hehe

Is it good if I end up this post by this picture??


2009年6月13日 梁静茹今天情人节大马演唱会





其实看静茹的演唱会,波折重重。原本向打算请假去看演唱会(星期六我有教书),但是因为老板必须得到柔佛去参加研讨会,所以假纸被撤销了。但是我坚持要在6:45pm走人(原本要教到8:20pm),然后赶到Titiwangsa去搭Star LRT。在此想在这里谢谢三个人: Miss Penny - 因为她飞车载我去Titiwangsa,Jino - 因为他告诉我Star LRT的资料,雪炜 - 因为她给我一些在请假方面的意见。

终于呢,在8:00pm准抵达Putra Indoor Stadium Bukit Jalil。之前看着票上印着8:00pm开始时,心里还蛮忐忑不安,怕赶不上开场。最后还是赶到了!! (Jeff Lau: I made it on time arr, chui arr)
大约8:30pm,演唱会正式开始。这也是我第一次观看演唱会,所以也蛮紧张,哈哈! 一开始静茹唱了“风笛手”,“下一秒的天堂”和“燕尾蝶”,都是属于比较摇滚风的歌曲。但是我朋友都说开场的前两首歌都不知道什么歌来的。我心想:还好吧,因为我也蛮喜欢那两首歌的。唱了几首歌后,静茹也开始跟观众有些互动,谈起天来。她说,今天是FULL HOUSE!! 我也四处看了下,真的是座无虚席,太开心了。真的觉得静茹很厉害,有这么多人去支持她。


3小时30分钟的演唱会,最让我感到惊讶的是静茹竟然唱了那么多新专辑的歌曲。当然有包括了我最喜欢的"情歌",很开心。静茹这次的演唱会,她唱得很舒服,她并没有哭,也当然她真的很有实力。此外,终于听到静茹说大马式的华语,真的很好笑!我朋友说她讲话时很像Aunty,哈哈! 我也赞成! 还有还有,看到光良,阿牛,和张智成上台跟静茹谈笑。阿牛真的很适合做谐星啊,他一直开静茹的玩笑,说什么想嫁之类的,哈哈,衷心希望她能得到幸福。光良在唱歌之前还预祝静茹可以得到这一届的金曲歌后。她凭"今天情人节"入围,很多粉丝都不希望她凭这一张演唱专辑得奖,但是对我而言,心底下还是希望她得奖。最好明年也凭“静茹&情歌”得奖,来个蝉联吧!!!


当然也要告诉大家我跟谁去这个演唱会啦! 哈哈哈哈!!!

Me, Noriko and Elva

Me and Jeff

Noriko, Elva and Jeff

当然还有没在照片里的Adrian和Kent Chan。谢谢你们lo,我真的很开心!

Grand Opening

This is it!
My NEW blog here in blogspot. I guess it'll be easier for everyone to view my blog here rather than the one in window live. Hope to bring some laughters, feelings, stories and updates through here la. ^^